The Importance of Hugging & Dancing
The male species has never been accused of being overly affectionate.
In fact, women are always criticizing us for not hugging them or taking them dancing. We are especially shy in public, and any show of affection in a public place will get you dangerously close to having to turn in your "guy card".
As for women, they claim that a smelly guy is the biggest turnoff, and a sure way to get them out of the mood. Furthermore, lest we come home from a tough day of wallowing in our work, and get a little soiled or stenchy... women are sure to direct us to the nearest bar of soap and running water, before they will even pay us the time of day. Even when we sensitive guys need a hug, it's "pewwww you stink, go take a shower then I will give you a hug."
Well, our crack squad of investigators here at -fish this- have been out scouring the internet this morning, and I am here to tell you that we have uncovered some startling evidence.
In the following photos you will see both the male and female species in various acts of affection. that will dispell these "myths"-- that have driven a wedge between our genders.
Please view for yourself and then draw your own conclusions.

In exhibit one we see a man openly hugging his Wahoo.
Yes, his Wahoo.
He seems neither ashamed nor embarrassed of this open act of affection.
If you are this mans female companion, please take note, you need only wear something silvery and slimy and your man will instantly be turned into the young smiling stallion he once was.
It probably isn't hurting that some sort of "lap dance" is going on here also.

In exhibit two, again we see a smiling member of the male species not only hugging, but ahem...
apparently groping or trying to sneak a feel of his date. To get a date or gain the attention of this strapping fella, I suggest that a female counterpart douse herself in one of the readily available "attractants" that are on the market and soon you will also be held closely and rather proudly next to this mans heart. If you are a world record catch of some sort, that won't hurt either.

Summertime and the living is easy. Although this gentleman seems to be a little serious about his relationship, he still is openly embracing his rather buxom lass right there in the open water for all to see. She obviously is quite taken with him also, as she appears to have fainted or swooned over her man. Of course I might be mistaken and this may simply just be a fish "baptism" taking place. Either way, he is obviously smitten in some sort...

You have already seen this guy, and despite the girth and size of his betrothed, he is more than happy to have the biggest moment of their lives captured digitally for all the world to see.
And you women thought we were put off by a few extra pounds!!!

Dancing. What could be more romantic. As these two trip the light fantastic, he gets ready to "dip" his dance partner in one of the most openly romantic moves you can make on the dance floor.

You say he never takes you dancing. Especially slow dancing? Here is evidence that a slow dance does not bother this young man. If you are this lads lil' misses, I suggest simulating the gill plate of a fish. Perhaps something low cut in a bright pink will put the spark back in your relationship. He obviously can't take his hands off this speciman.

Dancing with the out!!
Now as for the women:

Exhibit one for the women, shows a big happy embrace for this fish. Replace this fish with a man who has just returned from working on cars all day, or hammering nails and I doubt he gets held as close to her bosom as Mr. Stinky here. Maybe, we need to stop by the Safeway fish section on the way home and slather a little fish packaging all over us, before opening the front door and cuddling into the waiting arms of our loved ones. Or maybe it is just that big dumb happy look on that fishes face... so vulnerable!!

Again, risk of permanent stench has no apparent effect on this woman. She may have to burn the clothes she is wearing, or drop them into a dumpster behind some pet store, yet she appears overjoyed.But let the male specie in her well kept household even get near the living room sofa after a game of Golf and he will be chastised and forced into having every piece of furniture fully cleaned and possibly replaced. He will also be constantly reminded of his crimes against sofa cushions for the better part of what will remain of his married life.
So there you have it.
The evidence is plentiful and is clear as mud for me.
I hope this helps to dispell the myths for both genders and will help to give you some ideas on how to put the "exhuberance" back into your relationships.
As for me, I think I need a hug...
Utah Pat--
Dats cold brother.
Oh by the way, she is a subscriber to my blog...
Hope she doesn't read the comments!
Very funny Pat!
Can't wait for you to bring the kids by TONIGHT!!!
You'll have to wake up a little earlier in the morning to fool Utah here Mr. Carp Master, or Mr. X-pert.... and I was merely referring to the Starkist Tuna airfreshner invention she stole from some bleeding edge "expert" in the field of pheromone attractants in Medford. I've sworn off the tuna pheromone since an incident just outside a local elevator - the aroma apparently made me irresistable.
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