--fish this--

Thursday, November 17, 2005

what the heck is this?

The thing I have always liked about fishing, is the constant change that takes place.

Each and every day a fisherman's luck changes.

The fish are feeding, the fish aren't biting, the wind blows, the moon shines, water is too hot , water is too cold, ever changing.

The thing I have always liked about the internet, is the constant change that takes place.

The things that were popular or helped to create and fuel the internets growth are much different today than when we first sat down and sent our first e-mail.

Remember that warm glow you had as you pushed the send button, and proudly watched your little e-mail head off into cyberspace like a child heading off to kindergarten.

Or was that fear??

...And like that little naive fresh faced schoolkid, your little e-mail came back proudly sporting some new information and even perhaps some words from another worried e-mail parent on the other end.

Then he grew up!

Pretty soon, little "e" was out there on the internet--with his best buddy "search"-- and the next thing you know, little "e" is not so naive anymore. He meets "spam" and she takes "e" for wild ride in the wild west of the internet.

"E" got grounded.

Through time, the fishing world has changed quite a bit also. Techniques have changed, gear has evolved to almost an unfair stage, it is no longer grab a can of worms and sit by the stream and catch "a mess a fish". Fish finders, cell phones, sonic lures and irresistable attractants have broken the peace and tranquility of fishing and turned it into an "instant gratification", checklist conquering task, that is something most people do on there way to doing something else.

Got our fish--let's go mountain biking!!

.... Meanwhile, back at the internet. Along comes the "weblog", personal journals posted to websites, "blogs", as they are affectionately known, little rants and individual railings against society, a place to tell your feelings and send them off into the immense jungle of internet information. According to wikapedia - the weblog first emerged around 1994. They become really, really popular in 2004 and 2005. Seemingly everywhere, and now even posted by corporations and news giants, the blog is a great example of how fast this information age travels.

See something you like-- blog it.

Something you don't like--blog it.

Heck, politicians even track blogs to see exactly what the current pulse and feeling of the American public is.

Instant feedback and in some cases gratification.

This is where I come in.

Blogs are perfect for me. They are usually short and to the point.

For a guy with the attention span of a flea, and willing to strike up a conversation on any subject that I am neither an expert in nor have all the facts.......it is perfect!!

So, in a great mix of a subject I know just enough to be dangerous in--fishing-- and with a propensity to push buttons that say "send" on my computer--- "fish this" was born.

My own personal blog and railings about the most important subject known to mankind....fishing!!

Like a tree falling in the forest, I have posted important and cryptic messages out into the vast internet wasteland. Tirelessly trying to chronicle my year in fishing, and subliminally trying to convert powerless sheep to the followings of fishdom.

Basically, wasting a year of my life.

As if that wasn't enough, my year of meaningless ramblings ran head on into my current profession..... printing.

So, as revenge for all the books and items I have put into print over a twenty-five year span, I put my blog into print. As far as I know, this is the worlds first fishing blog to become a book. Of course, that is only because I haven't ever seen or heard of one yet.

Therfore, it must not exist!!

If you are an English teacher, you might not want to read this book, because it will be much to painful for you. It is wrought with misuse of the English language, and chock full of grammatical errors. There has been minimal editing done, and you can only shake your head in dis-belief at the overuse of quotation marks. Heck I can barely stand 'em!

If you are one of my past English teachers, this is exactly what you would expect from the kid who was inventing dice baseball games, and playing "dots" while you were trying to teach me the virtues of English, spelling and grammar.

Enjoy it or hate it for what it is.

At least the book is short.


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