--fish this--

Friday, May 27, 2005

Fear No Fishbones?

I was aimlessly driving around this place I call home yesterday, when an interesting window sticker caught my eye. Everybody has them these days, little blurbs and mini window blogs that give us a quick glimpse into the psyche of the driver ahead of us. Important messages like: "Quit driving so close or I'll flick a Booger at you", or poor lttle Calvin "peeing" on some adversarial auto engineers hard work, and the ever present modern day ribbon supporting some worthy cause.

This one was different, and of course caught MY eye because of it's fishing related matter.
"FEAR NO FISH" -- There it was, slapped to the corner window of a shiny new SUV. Along with this boldly emblazened self proclamation--was a nicely die cut graphic of what looked to be a hybrid cross between a Salmon and a Piranha!!

Unfortunately for the fish it appeared to be formed in the post mortum state of "BONEDUM".

My first thought was of course, do any of us really fear fish??

Perhaps if they have been sitting under the heat lamps too long at Mickey D's--but surely not those critters we see wagging back and forth looking for some tasty little morsel to float closely into their feeding zone. After all, with todays fish finders, laser sharp hooks,high tech scents ,attractents and invisible monofilaments, the odds are pretty well stacked in our favor.
Not to mention we are usually sitting in the comfort of a nicely equipped boat, float tube or decked out in neoprene,-- for those times when we need" extra protection" from those overly aggressive fish assaults!

I wonder if the SUV -slayer of fishbones -would feel the same way if he was dropped off in the middle of the Amazon, with no gear and came across one of "G. Loomis' labarotory "Piranha-SalmonSTEIN" monsters? A Piranha swimming up stream, ready to spawn and die!! I'm thinking he's taking out one more fish slayer before he croaks--- if he can.


Yes, that is quite bold and conjours up thoughts of brave warriors heading into battle armed only with 4 weight fly rods and their sparsely tied wooly worms. "Oh brave knight, go forward into the field of battle and be victorious in your virtuous quest."

As for me, I'm not going without a can of corn... just to be safe.


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